Ion Channel Lab
Lab head:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Michael Grimm, PhD
Christian is Professor for Molecular Pharmacology at the Walther-Straub-Institute (WSI) of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich, Germany. Christian has been working in the field of ion channels, in particular TRP channels for more than 20 years, starting as a PhD Student (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Free University (FU) of Berlin, Germany, followed by Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Harvard University and Stanford University, USA (2004-2009). In 2009 Christian joined pharmaceutical industry (Pfizer Ltd., UK) as a Principal Scientist working on TRP channels as targets to treat neuropathic pain. In 2011, Christian returned to Germany and to academia as a group leader in pharmacology at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the LMU Munich. Since then he has focused his research on endo-lysosomal ion channels, in particular TRPML channels and two-pore channels (TPCs), resulting in several high-profile publications in PNAS, EMBO J., Nature Commun., Nature Protoc., and Science. For his work he received several awards, the Ernst-Reuter Award of the Free University Berlin (2005), the NCL Foundation Award Hamburg (2016), and the Care for Rare Award of the LMU Munich Childrens' Hospital (2017). Christian also holds a PhD (Dr. phil.) in Philosophy.
In addition, since 2022 Christian is leading a research team at the Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology (ITMP), Section of Immunology, Infection and Pandemic Research (IIP) in Munich/Penzberg.
Web links:
Member of the European Calcium Society (ECS)
Member of the German Pharmacological Society (DGP)
Dr. Yvonne Klingl, Postdoc (BI)
Dr. Dawid Jaslan, Postdoc (LMU)
Dr. Arnas Petrauskas, Postdoc (FhG)
Dr. Tobias Schulze, Postdoc (SFB/TRR152, DFG)
Dr. Nidish Ponath Sadanandan (ZIM/BMBF)
Dr. Danusa Menegaz (FhG)
PhD/MD students
Eva Weiden, PhD student (GRK2338, DFG)
Rebecca Deutsch, PhD student (DFG GR4315/2-2)
Sandra Castro, PhD student (SFB1328, DFG)
Veronika Kudrina, former MA student
Now PhD student (DFG GR4315/6-1)
Yurong Ling, PhD student (DFG GR4315/7-1)
Andreas Vogel, PhD student (DFG4315/7-1)
Zala Serianz, PhD student (GRK2338, DFG)
(Slovenia - and this is not the same as Slovakia ;))
Vladislav Parkhomov, MD student (GRK2338, DFG)
Mane Mkhitaryan (Armenia), MD student
Keyne Talbot (France/Germany), MD student
Marco Müller (Germany), MA student
(defended in 2024)
Now BioNtech, Germany
Dr. Carla Abrahamian (Armenia/Syria/Lebanon)
PhD candidate (defended in 2024)
Now TUM, Munich, Germany
Dr. Rachel Tang (Malaysia/USA)
PhD candidate (defended in 2024)
Now Charlesriver, UK
Dr. Einar Kleinhans-Krogsaeter (Norway)
PhD candidate (defended in 2022)
Dr. Julia Böck (Germany)
PhD candidate (defended in 2022)
Now Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Munich, Germany
Dr. Barbara Spix (Germany)
PhD candidate (defended in 2022)
Dr. Ponsawan Netcharoensirisuk (“Nes”) (Thailand)
PhD candidate
Dr. Yu-Kai Chao (Taiwan)
PhD candidate (defended in 2019)
Now Roche, CH
Marcel Passon (Germany), MA student
(defended in 2019)
Now PhD student, University of Ghent, Belgium